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Registering for :

“Crystalline DNA Transmission & Activation”

Activate your dormant crystalline DNA intelligence and access more of your divine essence as a soul!


Bel Smith Spiritual Ascension Guide, Channel & Quantum Healer

Bel Smith

Spiritual Ascension Guide,

Channel, Trans Channel

& Quantum Healer

Integration steps:

Choose to live and create your life from your highest divine crystalline frequencies. Activate your column of ascension each day. Click here:

Say “I activate my divine crystalline DNA, to have it fully anchored in my being. To operate from this divine technology” and so it is.

Please know that parts of you will be shifting and calibrating over the next couple of weeks as you received many codes and initiations.​​

Taking time for self-care, drinking plenty of water, and honoring rest are essential to support the integration process and harmonise with the profound shifts brought forth by the council's guidance.

To support this process, it is important to know that:

  • ​Your body may need more rest and feel tired - please allow yourself to rest and stay hydrated and nourished.

  • ​​Taking time for self-care, journalling, meditation or simply connecting out with nature.

  • Be sure to stay hydrated and you can take a good magnesium supplement as this can support your nervous system also.

  • ​​Watch/listen to this transmission as often as you feel called as there are many layers and many codes to receive & it is yours as my gift.

When you are ready, & if it calls to you, please join me in “Awoken” April, 2024 a six month program designed to support your soul’s evolution, growth, & transfomration.


If you are feeling the call and are ready and open to be served at the highest as you explore if taking this powerful ascension and soul evolution journey is in alignment for you & your soul family.

To find out more and book your Awoken Course Consultation, please click here:

Much Love, Light & Abundance!

Bel xx