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FREE ONLINE EVENT: The Divinity of Oneness & Bel Smith PRESENT:

Connecting to Your Purest Essence of Being

Hello Amazing soul!!!!

“THE ASCENSION PATH OF AWOKEN - through embodying more of your pure essence”

“THE ASCENSION PATH OF AWOKEN - through releasing fears, judgements of self and anchoring in more of the purity of your souls self”

Integration Actions.

This was a deep Activation, Decoding and Initiation and a lot was uploaded and removed from your field to serve you with your ascension journey.

Please know that parts of you will be shifting and calibrating over the next couple weeks.

To support this process and embody these codes, please do this home play:

To stabilise into the new pure souls essence consciousness grid, choose your ‘soul love’ as your guiding force.

Connect daily to yourheart and activating your souls light and calling in your higher souls libraries of light. If your mind gets busy or activated activate your souls light from your heart portal and send to your mind, then relax your mind and have it come into your heart and surround your mind with your souls love and light.

If you experience any walls up, emotions or fear, always ask, how would the purity of my soul love see this??? respond to this, be with this. Continue letting go of all fear, judgements, blocks and emotions as they are the remaining cords to the old grids

Your body may need more rest and feel tired - please allow yourself to rest and stay hydrated and nourished. You may feel emotional, as you may release some stuck emotions - please give yourself love and support and cry if you feel to do so - or if anger wants to process out of your field go punch a boxing bag or go scream out in nature.

You may be purging fear, grief and releasing the walls, & if you feel these emotions, please send them love & say, “thank you, I release you with love.” & shine light from your heart into the location in your body where you feel the emotion.

We are all unique and have our own journey with our own traumas, imprints, technologies, software’s, imprints & programs to release, and when we ascend & evolve, aspects of ourselves transform, so please be loving with yourself.

If you feel lots of energy moving in your field - Take deep breaths into your heart a few times per day and feel/see your heart field expand - breath into your heart through your nose and out through your mouth for 5 - 15 breaths or more.

Be sure to stay Hydrated.

When you are ready, & if it calls to you, please join me in ‘Awoken’ program to go deeper with this work.


I would love to invite you to find out more about ‘Awoken’

So if you feel excited to receive more 5D & beyond templates and fill your new grid with more beautiful light, plus shift into higher timelines of creation, love & a more graceful evolution, please join us in Awoken.

For full details & to book your complimentary Channeled Consultation, please click here:

Much light, love & Abundance 


Much light, love & Abundance 
