Activation for Heart Consciousness
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Integration steps:
Choose to live and create your life from your heart consciousness, and that means that every morning you can place yourself into heart consciousness and soul alignment and calibrate your frequency to the frequency of pure source love, and live a life from your heart, follow your hearts guidance, finding inner peace, discovering your power is within.
Please know that parts of you will be shifting and calibrating over the next couple of weeks as you received many codes and initiations.
To support this process, it is important to know that:
Your body may need more rest and feel tired - please allow yourself to rest and stay hydrated and nourished.
You may feel emotional, as you may release some stuck emotions - please give yourself love and support and cry if you feel to do so - or if anger wants to process out of your field go punch a boxing bag or go scream out in nature.
We are all unique and have our own journeys with our own traumas &/or programs to release, and when we ascend & evolve, aspects of ourselves transform, which can be a bit turbulent, so please be loving with yourself.
Take deep breaths into your heart and feel/see your heart field expand - breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth for 5-15 breaths or more. You can do this A few times per day as it shall calibrate your nervous system and allow you to expand your heart field consciousness.
Be sure to stay hydrated and you can take a good magnesium supplement as this can support your nervous system also.
Watch/listen to this transmission as often as you feel called as there are many layers and many codes to receive & it is yours as my gift.
When you are ready, & if it calls to you, please join me in “Awoken” designed to support your soul growth, transfomration and evolution as you journey with me by your side.
If you are feeling the call to take a profound journey of ascension, receive system upgrades and codes around New Earth Reality Creation, Soul Embodiment, Multi dimensionality, Co-Creating with Quantum Technology, Soul Family and Councils of Light…
Plus, Pre-recorded transmission and activation to have you energetically prepared to enter the container of "Awoken". Light language and energy frequency meditation to create powerful and embodied daily ritual practice.
I invite you to join Awoken it is a fo week advanced quantum container to activate, call back and embody more of your soul self and rememberance, where Souls come together to ascend, evolve and create a whole new world.
This is an application-only program to ensure it is right for you and your souls evolution.
We have various options available, and we match the most aligned option to your vision and budget… In short, we customize a solution that is right for you.
Please book a complementary zoom consultation with us to share your Vision and have us support & advise you with choosing our loving services.
This is no ordinary zoom call, this will invite you into higher timelines of consciousness to support you with your souls evolution so please come ready and open to be served at the highest as you explore if taking this powerful ascension and soul evolution journey is in alignment for you & your soul family.
To Book your Awoken consultation, please click here:
Much Love,
Bel xx