“Womb Alchemy Transmission & Activation”
Activate your dormant cosmic womb intelligence and access more of your divine essence as a soul!
To activate our cosmic womb within, to create a deep connection with heart, womb, soul coherence!!! To recieve boundless of inifinte intelligence from these spaces.
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Activating and receivng deep womb quantum alchemy is the key to experiencing shifts within ourself and our path of ascension and evolution.
Our mission here on Earth is our own Ascension journey.
Why is it beneficial to receive a womb alchemy Activation? and what is womb intelligence you may wonder…
Why is it important to
alchemise our womb for our ascension?
Alchemising our womb for ascension holds immense significance due to its profound impact on our spiritual journey and souls evolution and growth……..
We'll delve deep into this topic and share advanced codes, libraries for you and your soul to receive and we extend an invitation for you to receive:
• ACTIVATION: Alchemise your sacred energy centre of trauma, plugins, templates, imprints that have been activated within us from our ancestral lines and other parellel timelines in the cosmos. divine cosmic womb intelligence.
• INITIATION: Connect with Councils of light, Mother Mary, Unicorns, Benevolent Dragons & the Angelic Realm to receive a cosmic womb initiation and activation to awaken your divine cosmic womb intelligence, cosmic mother essence.
• REMEMBER: Over lifetimes, our energetic womb accumulates blockages from past experiences, traumas, templates and ancestral imprints. Alchemising, clearing from our parents, our line and children’s womb space to release blockages, trauma and creating a balanced, creative and harmonious cosmic womb space .
• EXPLORE: Receiving a quantum womb alchemy to release emotional imprints from past relationships, experiences, and even parrallel lives. Alchemising allows for the healing and release of these imprints, promoting emotional healing and liberation.
• DISCOVER: The codex and infinite intelligence of our cosmic womb, the womb is the core aspect of divine feminine energy within each woman. Alchemising it helps in reconnecting with this powerful energy, fostering a deeper connection with intuition, nurturing abilities, and the cycles of life. Mother Mary will be supporting us in the initiation and activation.
• CREATE: and embody a new highly evolved womb space that is anchored in our soul frequency. Our soul frequency holds libraries of intelligence, wisdom and gifts and through the alchemisation and activation of our divine cosmic womb we are able to anchor these frequencies and information in our being and ascend physically through the body.
PLUS lots more...!
I share this with you because it is deep Ascension work to unlock and awaken our cosmic womb so we can ascend and receive more of ourself as a divine fractal of source consciousness, and I believe with ALL my heart and soul that EVERYONE who desires this can also have it!!
We are made of Light, Love & cosmic womb intelligence, & our ascension journey invites us to come home to this truth that we are a divine infinite soul that can create the most amazing life from a place of love and excitement for our ascension journey.
Much Love, Light & Abundance,
Bel xx
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Bel Smith
Spiritual Ascension Guide,
Channel, Trans Channel
& Quantum Healer
I would love to invite you to a FREE global online event where I shall go deeper on this topic.
I shall share with you, some of the “Cyrstalline DNA Codex”
Plus if you love this event you are welcome to join AWOKEN & go deeper with this work.
My Mission & Soul Team & I will do an activation that will support and activate your crystalline DNA intelligence, awakening your dormant DNA to receive more love and light quota in your being.
An activation that will support and expand your ability to hold and receive more of your soul’s frequency.
You will receive an initiation to connect and call more of your divine sovereign blueprint into your crystalline DNA.
Consciousness expansion, expanded awareness and ascension growth.
Enabling us to activate and utilise crystalline DNA as a new operating system, receiving light frequencies, codes and data into our physical being and thus, ascending, through our physical being.
The crystalline DNA activation, revealing greater soul frequency and alignment into your being.
Quantum surgeries to clear and activate connections, to your divine crystalline DNA.
Plus much much more!
Please know, this transmission is the part of my “Codex of Awoken” program & ALL the souls in this program are also receiving this as part of their pre- work for the full journey, so by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you were in Codex of Awoken too.
Awoken is a powerful living consciousness and she is ready to share with the world for the souls ready to call back more of their souls remembrance. For the souls that are ready to take this accelerated ascension journey.
And, with lots of love in my heart, I am excited to invite you to journey with us!
Registration & Link ABOVE or BELOW.
The ‘Codex of Awoken’ is a powerful living temple of advanced codes and invites you to a journey of evolution and ascension through your heart field into the quantum and higher realms of existence, where linear time does not exist & all versions of you are available.
This is an Awoken Soul Evolution and Remembrance School For Souls Who Are Ready To Call Back Their Souls remembrance and their Codes of their multidimensional existence and Create realities with the deep knowing that they are an infinite divine fractal of source consciousness.
So much Light, Love & Abundance,
Bel xxx
Register anyway as you will receive free access to the recording.
Yet do your best to be on live as that is where you can ask questions and I would love to have your live energy there to co-create this offering to our world!!!